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pdf Maggiore L. and Ferrari G. (2021). Ignazio Galli pioniere della sismologia e meteorologia nell’Italia di fine Ottocento, Lathium, 38/2021, 125-148. Scarica (pdf)
pdf Orecchio B., Scolaro S., Batlló J., Ferrari G., Presti D,, Stich D. (2019), A reappraisal of the 1978 Ferruzzano earthquake (southern Italy) from new estimates of hypocenter location and moment tensor inversion, Phys. of the Earth and Plan. Int., 289 (2 Scarica (pdf)
pdf Maranò S., Edwards B., Ferrari G. and Fäh D. (2017), Fitting Earthquake Spectra: Colored Noise and Incomplete Data, BSSA, Vol. 107, No. 1, February 2017, doi: 10.1785/0120160030 Scarica (pdf)
pdf Vannoli P., Bernardi F., Palombo B., Vannucci G., Console R. and G. Ferrari (2016), New constraints shed light on strike-slip faulting beneath the southern Apennines (Italy): The 21 August 1962 Irpinia multiple earthquake, Tectonophysics 691, 375-384. Scarica (pdf)
pdf Bernardi F., Ciaccio M.G., Palombo B. and Ferrari G. (2016), Correction to “Moment tensor inversion of early instrumental data: application to the 1917 High Tiber Valley, Monterchi earthquake” by F. Bernardi et al., Annals of Geophysics, 59 (3), S0324. Scarica (pdf)
pdf Bernardi F., Ciaccio M.G., Palombo B. and Ferrari G.(2016), Moment tensor inversion of early instrumental data: application to the 1917 High Tiber Valley, Monterchi earthquake, Annals of Geophysics, 59 (3), S0318 Scarica (pdf)
pdf Vannoli P., Vannucci G, Bernardi F, Palombo B. and Ferrari G. (2015). The Source of the 30 October 1930 Mw 5.8 Senigallia (Central Italy) Earthquake: A Convergent Solution from Instrumental, Macroseismic, and Geological Data. Scarica (pdf)
pdf Ferrari G. (a cura di 2014). Dal Cielo alla terra. Meteorologia e sismologia in Italia dall’Ottocento a oggi, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 383 pp. Scarica (pdf)
pdf Storchak D.A., D. Di Giacomo, I. Bondár, J. Harris, E.R. Engdahl, W.H.K. Lee, A. Villaseñor, P. Bormann, and G. Ferrari (2012), ISC-GEM Global Instrumental Earthquake Catalogue (1900-2009), Gem technical report 2012-01 V1.0.0 Scarica (pdf)
Immagine Ferrari G. (2009). Letters in the Earth Sciences: their historic value and present-day scientific relevance. Annals of Geophysics, vol. 52, p. 523-759, ISSN: 1593-5213 Scarica (jpeg)
pdf Ferrari G. (2009). Letters in the Earth Sciences: written in the past useful in the future. Annals of Geophysics, p. 523-537, ISSN: 1593-5213 Scarica (pdf)
pdf Batlló J. , Stich D. and R. Macià (2008). Quantitative Analysis of Early Seismograph Recordings, in J. Fréchet et al. (eds.), Historical Seismology, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008 Scarica (jpg)
pdf Pino N.A, Palombo B., Ventura G., Perniola B. and G Ferrari (2008). Waveform modeling of historical seismograms of the 1930 Irpinia earthquake provides insight on ''blind'' faulting in Southern Apennines (Italy). Journ. of Geoph. Res., vol. 113, ISSN: 014 Scarica (pdf)
pdf Batlló J., Stich D., Palombo B., Macia R., and J. Morales (2003),The 1951 Mw 5.2 and Mw 5.3 Jaén, Southern Spain, Earthquake Doublet Revisited, Bull. Seism. Soc. of Am., Vol. 98, 3, 1535-1545 Scarica (jpg)
pdf Batlló J., Stich D., Palombo B., Macia R. and Morales J. (2008). The 1951 Mw 5:2 and Mw 5:3 Jaén, Southern Spain, Earthquake Doublet Revisited, BSSA, 98,1535-1545, doi: 10.1785/0120070038. Scarica (pdf)
pdf Pintore S., Quintiliani M. and Franceschi D. (2005). Teseo2: A vectorizer of historical seismograms. Computer & Geosciences, 31, 1277-1285. Scarica (pdf)
pdf Ferrari G, Palombo B, Rovelli A (2003). La sequenza sismica dell'aprile-giugno 1929 nelle registrazioni strumentali. In: BOSCHI E., GUIDOBONI E.. I terremoti di Bologna e del suo territorio dal XII al XX secolo. p. 279-294, Bologna. Scarica (pdf)
pdf Ferrari G. (2003). Biographies of Deceased Italian Seismologists, in W.H.K. Lee, International handbook of earthquake and engineering seismology. Part B [electronic resource]. Scarica (pdf)
pdf Okal E. and Reymond D. (2003). The mechanism of great Banda Sea earthquake of 1 February 1938: applying the method of preliminary determination of focal mechanism to a historical event. Scarica (pdf)
pdf Ferrari G (1997). Cultural and scientific value of seismology's heritage in Europe: why and how to preserve, in G.Ferrari (ed.). In: Proceeding of the Workshop: Historical Seismic Instruments and Documents: a Heritage of Great Scientific and Cultural Valu Scarica (pdf)
pdf Ferrari G. (1997) Cultural and scientific value of seismology's heritage in Europe: why and how to preserve, in G Ferrari (ed.). In: Proceeding of the Workshop: Historical Seismic Instruments and Documents:a Heritage of Great Scientific and Cultural Value Scarica (pdf)
Immagine Ferrari G. (1992). Two hundred years of seismic instruments in Italy 1731-1940. vol. 1, Bologna. ING - SGA Scarica (jpeg)
Immagine Ferrari G. (1991). Tromometri, avvisatori, sismografi. Osservazioni e teorie dal 1850 al 1880. Tromometers seismoscopes seismographs. Observations and theories between 1850 and 1880. vol. 1, Bologna:SGA Storia - Geofisica - Ambiente Scarica (jpeg)
Immagine Ferrari G. (1990). Gli strumenti sismici storici. Italia e contesto europeo. Historical seismic instruments. Italy and the European framework. vol. 1, Bologna:SGA Storia - Geofisica - Ambiente Scarica (jpeg)